Rest API, Typescript, Java Boilerplates & Starter Kits

StarterIndex features the best Rest API, Typescript, Java boilerplates and starters on the web. Explore a list of templates curated by us to ensure the highest quality.

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Theme selection screenshot

Cruip - Beautiful Tailwind CSS Templates

Beautifully designed landing pages, websites, and dashboards built on top of Tailwind CSS and fully coded in HTML, React, Next.js, and Vue. A great starting point for your next project, saving you weeks of development time.
Theme selection screenshot

Supastarter - Next.js, Nuxt & SvelteKit Starters

Boilerplates for quickly building apps with Supabase, designed to kickstart development with ease.
Wrap Pixel screenshot

UseSAASKit - SaaS Next.js Template

Flexible SaaS template designed to help you build, and launch in just 10 minutes.
Shadcnblocks screenshot

Shadcnblocks - Block set for Shadcn UI + Tailwind

300 responsive components for Shadcn UI + Tailwind. Just copy & paste.

Nestjs Starter Rest Api

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Monstar Lab Oss Free
NestJS Starter Kit. Monolithic Backend. REST API.

Ignite Bowser

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Infinitered Free
Bowser is now re-integrated into Ignite CLI! Head to to check it out.

Nest Js Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Onix Systems Free
Nest.js boilerplate


πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Prolifode Free
A Boilerplate for deno RESTful apis

Open Source Ruby And Rails Apps

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Asyraffff Free
Awesome Ruby and Rails Open Source applications 🌈

Express Ts Ddd

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Gonzaloplaza Free
Nodejs Express-TypeScript-DDD REST API

Mongoose Express Ts

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Sunnysidelabs Free
Mongoose Node.js Express TypeScript application boilerplate with best practices for API development.

Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Brandonkramer Free
An organized and object-oriented boilerplate for WordPress plugin development and testing. Includes Composer, Codeception (unit/acceptance testing), PHPCodeSniffer with WordPress Coding Standards to validate your code, TravisCI configuration for automatic testing & continuous integration, Webpack 5 for front-end development incl. BabelJS v7, BrowserSync v2, PostCSS v8, PurgeCSS v3, Autoprefixer, Eslint, Stylelint, SCSS processor, WPPot, and more.

Prisma Examples

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Prisma Free
πŸš€ Ready-to-run Prisma example projects

Loopback4 Starter

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Sourcefuse Free
Loopback 4 starter application. Multi-tenant architecture supported. Authentication, Authorization, Soft deletes, environment vars, Audit logs, included.

Vitify Admin

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Kingyue737 Free
πŸ–– Vite + Vuetify, Opinionated Admin Starter Template

Node Typescript Mongodb

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Nodeteamdev Free
node js typescript mongodb express generator yo


πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Create Go App Free
✨ A complete and self-contained solution for developers of any qualification to create a production-ready project with backend (Go), frontend (JavaScript, TypeScript) and deploy automation (Ansible, Docker) by running only one CLI command.

Awesome Medusajs

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Adrien2p Free
A curated list of awesome resources related to MedusaJS 😎

Fastify Typescript

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Hmake98 Free
Complete typescript template with fastify.js, prisma.

Rest Nestjs Postgres

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Crudjs Free
CrudJS implemented as a REST API, using Nest.js and Postgres

Express Rest Api Clean Architecture

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Restuwahyu13 Free
About Folder pattern for express rest api starterkit clean architecture, easy to scalable and easy to maintenance.

Awesome Koa

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Ellerbrock Free
:dancers: Awesome Koa.js Web Framework

Cloudflare Planetscale Hono Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by OultimoCoder Free
A boilerplate for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Cloudflare, Hono, and Planetscale


πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Steve Lebleu Free
REST API boilerplate with Typescript, Express.js, Typeorm and Mocha.

Angular App

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Ganatan Free
Angular 17 ,Bootstrap 5, Node.js, Express.js, CRUD, PWA, SSR, SEO, Lazy Loading, Examples Angular & React nrwl

Mean Docker

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Nitin27may Free
A Mean stack (Angular 17.0.3, Expressjs 4.17.1, MongoDB) jump start project with support of docker.

Node Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Santoshshinde2012 Free
Node Typescript Boilerplate for Microservices. Skeleton for Node.js Apps written in TypeScript (with Setup Instructions for ESLint, Prettier, and Husky)

Express Mongodb Rest Api Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Watscho Free
A boilerplate for Node.js apps / Rest API / Authentication from scratch - express, mongodb (mongoose). Typescript


πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Unfoldadmin Free
Django & Next.js boilerplate

Great Big Example Application

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Dancancro Free
A full-stack example app built with JHipster, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Angular 4, ngrx, and Webpack

Serverless Boilerplate Express TypeScript

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Ixartz Free
πŸš€πŸŽ‰πŸ“š Boilerplate and Starter for Serverless framework, ExpressJS, TypeScript, Prisma and MongoDB ⚑️ Made with developer experience first: Serverless framework + Live reload + Offline support + ExpressJS + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Commitlint + Lint-Staged + Jest + Dotenv + esbuild + VSCode

Nestjs Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Brocoders Free
NestJS boilerplate. Auth, TypeORM, Mongoose, Postgres, MongoDB, Mailing, I18N, Docker.

Express Typescript Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by W3tecch Free
A delightful way to building a RESTful API with NodeJs & TypeScript by @w3tecch

Prisma Express Typescript Boilerplate

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» by Antonio Lazaro Free
RESTful API server boilerplate suing Node JS, TypeScript, Express and Prisma.
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