StarterIndex features the best Github, Typescript, Javascript boilerplates and starters on the web. Explore a list
of templates curated by us to ensure the highest quality.
Beautifully designed landing pages, websites, and dashboards built on top of Tailwind CSS and
fully coded in HTML, React, Next.js, and Vue. A great starting point for your next project,
saving you weeks of development time.
Create a desktop app with this user friendly Svelte boilerplate for electron
This is a github template, you can fork it or use as template for start new project with this repository as hello-world. I hate start new project with empty template, often i missing correct configuration, readme instruction or i need of samples of code. Use this repository as template solve this problem.
Simple, Lightweight and Scalable.Discover the best React Native boilerplate for your project with a really simple architecture based on Separation of Concerns, and let the community build around it.
Svelte Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate based off of SvelteKit, with all the bells and whistles you want ready, up and running when starting any Full-stack Svelte/Javascript project.
CRXJS Vite Plugin is a tool that helps you make Chrome Extensions using modern web development technology.
Things like HMR and static asset imports work out of the box so you can get started making a modern Chrome Extension, not configuring build tools.
The Plasmo Framework is a battery-packed browser extension SDK made by hackers for hackers. Build your product and stop worrying about config files and the odd peculiarities of building browser extensions.
Serverless Boilerplate is starter code for your backend and REST API based on Serverless framework with Express JS, TypeScript, Prisma and MongoDB. Made with Serverless framework, Live reload, Offline support, ExpressJS, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-Staged, Jest, Commitlint, Dotenv, VSCode.
The culmination of over six years of constant React Native development, Ignite is the most popular React Native app boilerplate for both Expo and bare React Native.
This is the React Native boilerplate that the Infinite Red team uses on a day-to-day basis to build client apps. Developers who use Ignite report that it saves them two to four weeks of time on average off the beginning of their React Native project!