dApp, HTML Boilerplates & Starter Kits

StarterIndex features the best dApp, HTML boilerplates and starters on the web. Explore a list of templates curated by us to ensure the highest quality.

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Theme selection screenshot

Theme Selection - Free & Premium Admin Templates

Fully coded Dashboard Templates & UI Kits to kickstart your next project
Wrap Pixel screenshot

Wrap Pixel - Production-Grade Dashboard Templates

Download Developer friendly Admin Dashboard Templates built on top of Bootstrap, React, Angular, Vue, Tailwind, Next.js & Nuxt.js.
Theme selection screenshot

Cruip - Beautiful Tailwind CSS Templates

Beautifully designed landing pages, websites, and dashboards built on top of Tailwind CSS and fully coded in HTML, React, Next.js, and Vue. A great starting point for your next project, saving you weeks of development time.

Electron Vue

👨🏻‍💻 by SimulatedGREG Free
An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.

Koa Web Kit

👨🏻‍💻 by JasonBoy Free
🚀A Modern, Production-Ready, and Full-Stack Node Web Framework with React


👨🏻‍💻 by Johncarl81 Free
:package: Android Parcelables made easy through code generation.


👨🏻‍💻 by Yc L Free
YC. Boilerplate is a set of loose coupling, flexible combination, complete functions, convenient development, and reduces the workload of development.

Relivator Nextjs Starter

👨🏻‍💻 by Blefnk Free
Next.js 14 Store, Landing, Admin, Dashboard ▲ i18n Stripe Shadcn Tailwind Drizzle Zod Trpc TypeScript Clerk NexAuth, Lucide CSS Radix UI, Responsive React 19 Server Components, MySQL Postgres Neon TS ORM, Intl App Router, Mdx Docs User Actions Kit, SaaS Commerce Shop Pricing Payments, Dark Mode, Modern Full Stack Free ▲ more stars → more features

Ts React Vite_or_webpack

👨🏻‍💻 by YDJ FE Free
a starter-template with typescript, react, mobx and vite/webpack...

Run Aspnetcore

👨🏻‍💻 by AspNetRun Free
A starter kit for your next ASP.NET Core web application. Boilerplate for ASP.NET Core reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with applying Clean Architecture and DDD best practices. Download 100+ page eBook PDF from here ->

React Native V2ex

👨🏻‍💻 by Funnyzak Free
项目使用了 React Native 构建了一个 V2EX 移动客户端应用。目的是为了构建一个 React Native 快速开发脚手架。客户端数据完全基于 V2EX 开放 API。基于 RN 0.71.5。

Nextjs Dapp Starter Ts

👨🏻‍💻 by G3root Free
A fullstack monorepo template to develop ethereum dapps


👨🏻‍💻 by Jamonholmgren Free
ProMotion is a RubyMotion gem that makes iPhone development less like Objective-C and more like Ruby.

Aws Eks Base

👨🏻‍💻 by Maddevsio Free
This boilerplate contains terraform configurations for the rapid deployment of a Kubernetes cluster, supporting services, and the underlying infrastructure in AWS.

Fastapi Alembic Sqlmodel Async

👨🏻‍💻 by Jonra1993 Free
This is a project template which uses FastAPI, Pydantic 2.0, Alembic and async SQLModel as ORM. It shows a complete async CRUD using authentication and role base access control.

Svelte Electron Boilerplate

👨🏻‍💻 by Ptkdev Boilerplate Free
🧬 Create a desktop app with this user-friendly Svelte boilerplate for electron

Django React Soft Dashboard

👨🏻‍💻 by App Generator Free
Django React - Soft UI Dashboard (Free Product) | AppSeed

Gae Boilerplate

👨🏻‍💻 by Coto Free
Google App Engine Boilerplate


👨🏻‍💻 by Anfeichtinger Free
A flutter boilerplate project containing bloc, pedantic, hive, easy_translations and more!

Solidity Foundry Boilerplate

👨🏻‍💻 by Defi Wonderland Free
⚒️ Start your next Solidity project with Foundry in seconds

Essential React

👨🏻‍💻 by Pheuter Free
A minimal skeleton for building testable React apps using Babel

React Redux Typescript Jspm Starter

👨🏻‍💻 by Piotrwitek Free
Futuristic, bundle-free, development environment for building Component-Driven SPA with React, Redux and TypeScript - powered by JSPM (SystemJS & Rollup with tree-shaking)

Eth Vue

👨🏻‍💻 by DOkwufulueze Free
Featured in Awesome Vue [https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue], a curated list maintained by vuejs of awesome things related to the Vue.js framework, and Awesome List [https://awesomelists.net/150-Vue.js/3863-Open+Source/18749-DOkwufulueze-eth-vue], this Truffle Box provides everything you need to quickly build Ethereum dApps that have authentication features with vue, including configuration for easy deployment to the Ropsten Network. It's also Gravatar-enabled. Connecting to a running Ganache blockchain network from Truffle is also possible -- for fast development and testing purposes. Built on Truffle 5 and Vue 3, eth-vue uses vuex for state management, vuex-persist for local storage of app state, and vue-router for routing. Authentication functionalities are handled by Smart Contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.

React Best Practices

👨🏻‍💻 by Kudos Dude Free
A comprehensive reference guide to kickstart your React architecting career!

Ran Django Template

👨🏻‍💻 by Nature1995 Free
An awesome Django + Bootstrap4 project template for Django 2.0+ include IOT restful api

Nft App

👨🏻‍💻 by Jellydn Free
How to create your own NFT and mint NFT token

Angular App

👨🏻‍💻 by Ganatan Free
Angular 17 ,Bootstrap 5, Node.js, Express.js, CRUD, PWA, SSR, SEO, Lazy Loading, Examples Angular & React nrwl

Dapp Token Ico

👨🏻‍💻 by Jellydn Free
How to do your first ICO smart contract

Smart Cloud

👨🏻‍💻 by Smart Cloud Free
基于springboot && springcloud的脚手架,支持服务合并部署与拆分部署、接口加解密签名、日志数据 脱敏、接口数据mock、接口文档自动生成、请求幂等校验、接口日志&&sql日志切面打印、分表分库分布式事务、国际化语言、接口监控及服务监控等

Android Modular Architecture

👨🏻‍💻 by Vmadalin Free
📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.

Android Template

👨🏻‍💻 by Blocoio Free
Android app starter template

Fastapi React

👨🏻‍💻 by Buuntu Free
🚀 Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Docker


👨🏻‍💻 by Gregives Free
An Eleventy starter project built to be fast
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